Friday, December 15, 2017

fighting fro Christ and your life

Saints cut sometimes,

cause they hurt too much,

to even be able to cry,

they know it isn't right,

but even they can break,

followers of Christ,

God doesn't change some,

of their problems,

but gives us hope to fight,

So we die for Christ,

And often stops us,

from taking our lives,

which is wrong,

and the effects on others,

can be very strong,

so if you want to fight for Christ,

And not commit suicide,

Don't give up,

Cause God made us,

to not take our lives,

Things may not get better,

but still know fellow Christian,

Jesus is better than that firearm,

and loves you ,

your life is too sacred to go through that noose,

so breathe in life,

not carbon monoxide.


  1. This is great, I really like the message here, it's so important. Thank you for posting this.

    1. It is actually a shortened version of a poem I wrote in class this semester when bored . The original one was three pages long. I decided to copy the original draft I had written down on paper and edit it then post it in blogger before tossing the notebook

  2. "breath in life" - that's beautiful, Evan! <3
