Monday, January 11, 2016

writing prompt

It was friday night, and Jullie had just finished her homework. “ What should I do tonight? There’s a party going down at Old McDonald’s farm and he makes the best ‘Shine in the state of North Carolina.  but at the same time there’s a movie on. I could hold a drag race. that’s It! I will hold a drag race around the dirt road that goes on for miles and It will be fun.” That said, Jullie called up her boyfriend, Jack and her best friend , Kelsey. Kelsey brought her boyfriend, Daniel. Kelsey called up Ellie and Ellie also brought her boyfriend David.
Kelsey and Daniel came up in a souped up 1999 Chevy Silverado. “ I am gonna beat you all big time” Daniel boasted. “ Heck no! We will beat your piece of junk any day!” Ellie said from behind the wheel of her 1975 Ford Mustang. Jullie and Jack silently got into their 1980 Plymouth Road Runner. The race was on. Halfway through the race, they were all neck to neck, trying to pass each other going as fast as they could. By now Jullie and Jack’s Roadrunner was  further along than anybody else. Nobody noticed that Ellie and David were missing. At the final bend the Road Runner and Silverado were head to head, when Jullie’s Roadrunner smashed into the back of Daniel’s Silverado. “ Ellie had seen the crash coming and her mind was saying.” You have 3 seconds to make your final decision. Will you opt out or not?” She decided not to. When the two cars colided all four teens instantly were killed.All her life Ellie had been lawless so after seeing this, she and her rebel boyfriend took a Sig Sauer Mosquito put it to their heads, and killed each other.

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