Monday, December 1, 2014

Hell ya!!! Hope you had a good thanksgiving.

Hope everybody had a happy thanksgiving . I had a boring one. I went to my cousin's house in rural Alabama. I thought country ppeople were supposed to own guns, go fishing, and have horses. Thats what the country folks at my school have/do. Not my cousins. i was really hoping for some horseback riding. ( Sigh ). So we slept in rooms that were like prison cells. Thanksgiving dinner was good except for the fact nobody thought about putting the bird in the oven overnight and we had to wait hours on end for the turkey to be done. My aunt's scones were nasty. Her lasagna was too rich. On thanksgiving day I took my pills and then everything got dizzy and I felt like I was gonna puke so I ran to the bathroom. 30 minutes latter I wake up and find out the drugs hand hit me harder than usual and I had passed out in the bathroom by the toilet. As I woke up I texted my friend at home about what had happened. Thanksgiving lunch was at 3:30 P.M. and there was Corn Pudding, Turkey that was more like BBQ, Glazed Ham, Rolls with butter, Green Bean Casserole, Fruit Salad, and Mashed Potatoes. I ate way too much. After that me and my cousins watched The Hunger Games: MockingJay at the theatre and saw a car that had blown up in flames at the Walmart across the street. For dessert we had Pecan Pie and trismu. Back at the house, everyone was in the living room. My other cousin who came up from Florida, she was trying to fall asleep over everone elses noise. I couldn't help but think how she had been staying at a hotel with her family and how I wanted to be with her. I was glad I got home on friday. All thanksgiving I was thinking about a girl from school I missed like crazy . I am glad to be home.

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